Innovation Product Development Technology
Messy ERP System

How to Avoid the Customisation Trap and Get More from Your ERP System

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are the backbone of many businesses, integrating core processes into a single, centralised system where all critical data and functions come together.  While customising your ERP might seem like a smart move, it comes with its own set of challenges. In this post, we’ll explore these challenges and highlight common […]

Innovation Product Development Technology
Two people sitting at a laptop with one person pointing to something on the screen.

Artificial Intelligence for Business: How to Get Maximum Impact

In today’s fast-paced business environment, leveraging data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is essential to stay competitive. However, it’s important not to feel overwhelmed by AI and automation. AI is just another helpful tool to make your operations more efficient, improve your decision-making and create more personalised customer experiences. Think Big, Start Small  While some businesses may […]

App Development Technology Woman in Tech
Numero Mental Maths Game Taken from a paper based family legacy to Mobile App

From family legacy to scalable mobile app

We’re thrilled to introduce you to one of our incredible clients, Julie Richards, who’s taken her family’s legacy and transformed it into a scalable digital app.   Julie’s father, Frank Drysdale, invented the card game Numero over 30 years ago, to keep mentally fit after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.  Carrying forward her father’s legacy and […]

Agile organisations view change as an opportunity, not a threat

Unleashing Agile: The path to business success

In today’s fast-paced business world, staying on top of your game and delivering value to customers is key to thriving. That’s where agile methodology comes in—a secret sauce revolutionising how businesses work and innovate. In this article, we’ll dive into what makes Agile tick, its core ideas, and how it can give your business an […]

Custom Software Development Technology
Eugene van Aurich Senior custom software development manager

Custom software vs off-the-shelf solutions: pros & cons 

In the fast-paced world of tech, businesses struggle with a pivotal choice: choosing between off-the-shelf or custom software solutions. To help gain clarity on which is the better option, we had a chat with Eugene van Aurich, a 25-year veteran in software development and Software Development Manager at Horizon Digital.  Eugene shares his unique perspective […]

App Development Innovation Woman in Tech
Terri Bowman talks bout her tech journey with Blissiree mobile app From idea to full scalable mobile app solution.

From idea to mobile app: Founder Terri Bowman’s tech journey with Blissiree

We were delighted to showcase our client, Terri Bowman, at our recent LinkedIn Live interview, hosted by Ryan Smyth at Stratium Group. Our dedicated team has been working alongside Terri to bring her new wellness and mental health mobile app, Blissiree, to life, and we couldn’t be prouder. In this blog post, we’ll delve into […]

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